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An online west coast swing and dance inspired t-shirt shop and community created to raise awareness and fund scholarships for dance education opportunities.

Conceived, created and brought to fruition on a Friday night — I had an idea for a shirt design that I wanted to produce for myself, which led to the idea of making a shop so I could raise money to pay for my expensive dance habit. When I realized that I was lucky to have a skill set that others who struggle to fund their passions do not, I decided to give all the profits above my event costs back to the community in the form of event passes, paid private lessons, and more. 

It quickly grew from a local novelty logo to receiving international orders! Entering its second year, the brand is considering a shift to a more global name.

Passion Projects: Welcome
Passion Projects: Work




A Portland-based fitness blog and associated social communities acting as a resource to encourage readers to discover alternative forms of fitness to foster a fun and inclusive lifestyle for everyone

While maintaining a previous blog about the challenges and community of military spouses, I found fitness exploration posts weren't hitting home with the current audience — so I started a whole new blog focusing on this new topic.

Within a year, I had nationwide connections with other fitness bloggers and multiple engagements with brands as an influencer. Through my influence with FFPDX, I also became a content contributor to the early blogs on (a predecessor to ClassPass), and secured a writing agreement with the online racing magazine, .

Additionally, I earned free access to nearly any gym in Portland in exchange for a review. 

The blog is currently largely unmonitored but still receives search traffic daily. 

Passion Projects: Welcome
Passion Projects: Pro Gallery
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